
Jaw type crusher
Jaw type crusher
The series of crusher compared with the same type of products, its performance is more stable, higher output, lower energy consumption. The discharge port of the crusher is equipped with a hydraulic adjustment device. The hydraulic cylinder can adjust the clearance of the discharge port under the support of the hydraulic oil station, and can be automatically discharged when encountering unbreakable material, which can effectively reduce the jamming and protect the spindle and moving jaw. The operation is convenient and simple and reduce the downtime maintenance time. In terms of crushing performance, the machine frame can be divided into welding assembly and non-welding assembly (high quality material selection and design make it have stable reliability). The crushing chamber is a "V" shaped design, the elbow Angle is large to ensure the best bite force, feed size, discharge size more uniform, tooth plate can be customized according to the actual requirements of the site tooth shape, interchangeable and reversible, longer service time.
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